Election Integrity
Election Integrity Task Force
In 2022 the Republican Party in Navajo County, as well as other counties, made great strides in learning about our election system. We participated in weekly calls with the other counties in Arizona to learn and share information. The feedback from poll workers and poll observers was invaluable to ensuring improvement in the integrity of our elections. It was awesome. Please contact us for more information on the task force!
Be a Poll Worker!
Navajo County is in charge of poll workers. The Recorder’s Office schedules poll workers for in-person early voting. The Elections Office schedule poll workers for Election Day. Republican poll workers are greatly needed on the Navajo Nation and the White Mountain Apache Tribe voting locations for 2024. Poll workers are paid positions. Please contact us immediately if you would like to be a poll worker and we’ll help guide you to the county!
Be a Poll Observer!
The NCRC is in charge of finding, training, and scheduling poll observers. There were 11 early voting locations and 39 voting locations on Election Day. Early voting is a 5-hour shift and Election Day is approximately a 8-hour shift. Republican poll observers are also needed at the Navajo Nation and White Mountain Apache Tribe voting locations. Poll observers are volunteer positions. Please contact us immediately if you will be a poll observer or know someone else who would be interested!
VotifyNow is an intuitive app that helps users strengthen the voting process in their local, state and national elections .
It’s a tool that will notify party members and volunteers of any election/voter irregularities in their communities based on real time information being entered in by the users.
The app can also help users check for and report any mail in ballots issues they are experiencing through an array of Election Integrity tools to help detect and report any suspicious activity back through the app.
Users can upload a brief description and image or video of what they observe onto the app where it can be analyzed for patterns of suspicious activity to be investigated further by community volunteers. This information is then also sent back out to all the users in that area so everybody can see these issues.
And VotifyNow will share information on local, state and national candidates so our users could have the opportunity to learn more about these candidates running in upcoming elections. This feature is called Candidate Awareness
- VotifyNow can also be used by canvassers updating voter lists while walking their neighborhoods to get out their parties message .
- VotifyNow users can check for upcoming school board and city council meetings to attend and make their voices heard.
- VotifyNow can also help users monitor polling stations… again checking for and reporting any irregularities they observe through the app.
- VotifyNow is available for Android on Google Play Store, as well as, Apple's App Store for the iPhone.